

We can try to be fair.
We will grab and hold fast.
We can be the first to care.
We will always be the last.

We will be a shining light.
We can push back on the caring.
We will light a candle in the night.
We can call kindness a red herring.

We can be the change we need.
We will revel in our leisure.
We can try to plant a seed.
We will pay for blood and treasure.

We can be a loving place.
We will cherish your dismay.
We can seek out good and grace.
We will look the other way.

Cause and Effect


No single drop of rain

Flooded out the dam,

Nor solitary driver

Created the traffic jam.

No weightless mountain snowflake,

Drifting on the breeze,

Caused the massive avalanche

That buried buildings and trees.

The stinging of a single fire ant

Though painful, heals quite fast,

But if a couple hundred sting you

You’ll likely breathe your last.

So it is in all endeavors

Both extraordinary and mundane

Moderation in our actions

Saves us suffering and pain.

And yet in the world of politics

It seems that time and again

Nations swing from left to right

Because someone has to win.

To capture minds and funding

Politicians talk in extremes,

When an introspective milk-toast moderation

Would be the governance of dreams.