
Gate to Seoul

The World is full of tribes
Some come riding in on horseback with a sickle sword and a compound bow
Others sit in the halls of governance and plot the destruction of their foe at the ballot box
Some cluster in cloisters under the tallest of white steeples or golden domes
Still others fight as talking heads on syndicated airwaves
The tribe never leaves us- cannot leave us
We are the tribes, and we are many

The world is full of tribes
As the Arab proverb goes
“Me against my brother
Me and my brother against my cousin
These three against our village
Our village against the world”

The world is full of tribes
The concept brings us together as community
The concept tears us apart as outsiders
We do horrendous things to our fellow humans
In the name of our tribe
For the good of the tribe we make sacrifices
For the good of the tribe we sacrifice others

The world is full of tribes
They define us
They defile us
They mobilize us
They paralyze us
In the end all they are is us

Perhaps one day, when we sail the celestial seas,
We will see how small and weak the tribes are
And how strong the individual can be
Perhaps one day we will see the end of internecine tribal wars
Perhaps one day we will see that there is only one tribe
Humanity bleeding the same blood
In the same house
On the same cosmic ark
Hurling, spinning through the void

Until the Worlds are full of tribes

In Praise of Coffee

Gate to Seoul

A gift from the Gods

Seeds not pods

Red Ethiopian berry

Stone fruit like a cherry

Maybe Yemen grown

Mountainside or Mocha port as home

Washed and dried then fire roasted

Tumbled round and perfectly toasted

Ground and boiled and placed in urn

Or percolated so it doesn’t burn

Maybe Keurig, or maybe drip

Doesn’t matter, I’ll have a sip

Might be black or soft brown with cream

Almost better than a dream

Slightly sweetened to me is the best

But I don’t turn up my nose at the rest

In a porcelain cup warming my hand

It warms my soul as well, Oh Man!

A baser admission (I don’t mean to stoop)

Coffee also helps me poop

Brings new life to every day

A few moments of calm to sip and pray

Energizing, Antioxidizing,

A little too much and my blood pressure is rising

A warm cup of Java is hard to beat

Now my praise of coffee is complete

In Ur of the Chaldees

Gate to Seoul

In Ur of the Chaldees,
Standing in the present upon The River’s edge surveying the future and the past;
Smelling the offal of five thousand years of human history boiling in the water and the desert heat;
Hearing the echoes of Sumer and Edom, Assyria and Babylon, alongside that of Riyadh and Tehran-
Chariots crashing against shields and spears,
The whistle of arrows and stones,
The distant crack of a Kalashnikov;
Feeling the oppressive weight of human history, the eternal struggle,
At least since the Plant of Heartbeat was stolen by the serpent.
Tasting the salty blowing sand- heavy in the air,
The acidic pollution of overcrowded cities,
And the acrid smoke from burning bodies and the burning oilfields;
Death is on the breeze.
Seeing the Tel of Ur in its ancient geometric splendor,
Ishtar gate rising in Babylonian majesty,
The crumbled Walls of Nineveh no longer protected by the thunder of chariots,
And the concrete panels dividing every community from Basra to Mosul;
Seeing the unseen deep and knowing the unknown like Gilgamesh of old;
In Ur of the Chaldees, in the shadow of Babylon, the wind flows down from the mountains of Assyria;
In Ur of the Chaldees mere men try to conquer death,
Yet cannot even conquer sleep,
And in the trying release visions and hallucinations of suffering upon mankind.
In Ur of the Chaldees Abram was called out on a journey without an end.
Father Abraham- a stranger in a strange land,
A stranger in a strange land- as am I,
A stranger in a strange land- as are We.
In Ur of the Chaldees Utnapishtim grieves eternally-
The cradle of civilization has been made into a tomb.

Going up

Endless Road

I don’t accept

The notion of coincidence

Yet I’m told to write

This elevator speech

About how we will

Lift you up

And help you find

Your audience.