Accuracy and Truth

One can do military math
On a cardboard box
Using slide rules
Whiz wheels and pins
On a plotting board
Solving ballistic geometry
Safely calculating
All the elements
Of accurate predicted fire

I used to fill out safety tables
In my head and then
On a scrap of green memo paper
That would get passed to the guns
Now computers do the hard work
In zeros and ones

The precision of navigation systems
Blue Force Tracker and
Command Post of the Future
Are supposed to prevent
The errors that used to creep in
To manual gunnery

All of my nightmares
From 25 years of service
Have to do with bombs
Artillery rounds and rockets
Falling where they weren’t intended
Load elevation
False identification
Wrong Laser codes
Wrong attack angle
Danger Close
Human error
Gets men and women

Garbage In
Garbage Out

Flash and Boom
And Then
Radio Silence