When Failure Isn’t Really Failure

Endless Road

Recently I was reminded that when things may not turn out as we may have hoped, that it isn’t actually failure. However, I couldn’t understand how that could be. How could it not be failure if attempting to get into a program, finishing a project, or completing a task didn’t result in accomplishment?


That’s was what I was failing to see. From a completely different perspective I could see that what I wanted to accomplish had already taken place and my sense of failure was a realization that the universe was informing me of my next step. The perceived failure was just a moment in time – that particular path wasn’t right for me.

Sometimes we all need a realization of what isn’t the right fit and having that perspective is valuable to say the least.

A small reminder that not all paths are perfectly planned.

One Reply to “When Failure Isn’t Really Failure”

  1. Philosophically I understand your argument, but I’m concerned that in life we are all tempted to pull a Robert Frost and decide that, though two paths are equal in every way, the way we actually went was the best if only because we randomly went that way.

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